
PE Information

Pear Class PE will be on a Tuesday this year. Please remember to come to school in tracksuit and trainers so the children are ready for their lesson. Jewellery and watches can stay at home and any long hair should be tied back. To ensure the children gain 2 hours of PE a week, we will also be running a daily mile. 


Please work with us to help your child learn spellings each week. New spellings are placed in the children’s homework every Monday and tested the following Monday. Spellings are also available on EdShed for children to practise.
Their results will be shared with them.


We ask that you encourage children to read as often as you can but at least three times a week. This should be recorded in their reading records ready to be checked on a Monday.
We will reward every read with a dojo in school.


Homework in Year 4 will be set every Monday and checked the following Monday. 

Times Tables

As you are probably aware, the government recently created a times table check at the end of year 4. To prepare the children for this, please encouarge the children to regularly practise their tables. This can be done using the websites below. 

Hit the Button (
Times Table Rockstars ( 

We will also be testing weekly in school. This will be completed on a Friday and results will be sent home for the children to share with you.

We are really looking forward to working with you to ensure the children have a fantastic year! We have some very exciting new topics, lessons and activities which can be found on our curriculum overview. 

Please feel free to contact me via Class Dojo if you have any questions or concerns.